AGA Antonio C. Bonanno Award for Excellence in Gemology
AGA Antonio C. Bonanno Award Recipients
Established in 2000, the AGA Antonio C. Bonanno Award was created to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the field of gemology and pays homage to the legacy of Antonio C. Bonanno, a pivotal force in the formation of the Association.
Selected by a majority vote of the AGA membership, the recipient receives global recognition, a specially commissioned plaque and medallion, and an honorarium funded by AGA members.
The Bonanno Award encourages and rewards advances in gemological research, education, innovation, and ethical practices in the field of gemology.
AGA membership is not required to nominate or to be nominated. AGA accepts nominations for the Bonanno Award throughout the year. The annual deadline for nominations is 11:59 pm (Pacific time) on July 15th. Nominations received after July 15th will be applied to the following year.

Dr. Jeffrey Post

Gary Roskin

Robert Weldon

Donna Hawrelko

Karl Schmetzer

Mikko Åström

Alberto Scarani

Al Gilbertson
The AGA Antonio C. Bonanno award was created to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the field of gemology. Inaugurated in 2000, the award pays homage to Antonio Bonanno, a gemologist and teacher who was instrumental in the creation of AGA. In addition to global recognition, recipients of the award receive an honorarium funded by AGA members.
AGA accepts nominations for the Bonanno award throughout the year, but the deadline for each year’s nominations is July 15th. All nominations received after 11:59 pm (Pacific time) on July 15th will be counted toward the following year’s nominations.
AGA membership is not required to submit a nomination for the Bonanno Award.
Yes, the AGA Bonanno Award recipient is selected by a majority vote of AGA Members.
No, the AGA Bonanno Award recipient is not required to be an AGA member.
A nominee’s body of work must demonstrate significant contributions to the field of gemology, and their career should represent a legacy dedicated to impacting the global gemological community.
The AGA Bonanno Award recipient is selected by a majority vote of AGA Members.
The AGA Bonanno Award public announcement is made late in the year, usually in November or December. The award is formally presented at the Gala Dinner-Dance following the AGA Tucson Conference at the beginning of the following year.
Past recipients of the AGA Bonanno Award include leading research gemologists from world-renowned laboratories, educators, market analysts, and developers of innovative equipment and software solutions for the gemological field.
AGA member dues fund the AGA Bonanno Award honorarium.