About Us
We empower gem professionals, students, and aficionados
We are a community of gemologists that cross borders and cultures to share the latest gemological discoveries and education.
We are here to elevate your gemological mind, support your research and understanding of gemstones and help you forge friendships with our industry's great gemological minds.

Join the community of gemologists who share your passion for gemology.
Connect with gemologists and scientists around the globe to learn new discoveries and techniques.
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Find support and funding for your gemological research and education.

If you have a passion for gemology, then the AGA serves YOU!
Sharing a love of gems since 1974
Our Legacy
Learn how a brilliant idea sparked by group of friends grew into an international force that fosters gemological innovation and education.
An idea was born
AGA was born out of the recognition that nothing is as constant as change.
In the early 1970s, Sonja J. Schwartzman and Tomiko Butler organized informal gatherings for gemologists to keep abreast of the latest developments in gemology: learn about new gemstones; work together on research projects; discuss new equipment and procedures in gem testing; discuss new books; and exchange ideas in general.
It didn’t take long for attendance at these gatherings to grow. They knew it was time to take their idea to the next level.The next level
The American Alumni of F.G.A. was formed in 1974, with the guidance and assistance of their instructor, Antonio C. Bonanno, and under the auspices of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.
In July 1976, AGA issued its first newsletter. Later renamed Cornerstone, the monthly newsletter was published for nearly two decades and included contributions by giants from the gemological community covering new gemological techniques, gem treatments, and recent gem deposits.
The first AGA conference launched in 1983 and has evolved over forty years to become the much anticipated annual event where cutting edge gemological news is shared.
Recognizing AGA's unique position as a provider of gemological education to the gemological community and the public, the AGA Board incorporated the Association as a nonprofit public benefit organization or 501(c)(3) in 2014.Today
AGA members hale from around the globe, including many of the brightest minds in gemology. Our members share their knowledge and experience through AGA-hosted conferences, webinars, interviews, and forums.
"AGA continues to thrive at the intersection of the gemological community. We’re expanding our global reach through conferences, virtual presentations, and outreach while keeping the gemological community and public trust in mind every step of the way. Balanced on the shoulders of past AGA Presidents and inspired daily by AGA members, I am excited by the vision and future growth of AGA.” - Teri Brossmer, AGA President.AGA's Mission
True to the founders’ vision, AGA remains committed to:
- providing a platform for exchanging ideas and information
- supporting gemological education and research
- promoting ethical practice in the gem and jewelry industry
- honoring excellence in gemology
2023-2026 AGA Officers
2023-2026 Board of Governors
AGA is led by the Board of Governors, a group of members who volunteer their time and talents to steer and grow the Association. Officers and Governors serve three-year terms. AGA members are encouraged to communicate their interest in serving the association as a Governor.