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AGA Scholarship Application Process

AGA Gemological Scholarship applications are accepted January 1st through April 15th each year. This year, the application period has been extended to 11:59 pm (Pacific time) on May 15th, 2025. Scholarships are need and merit-based with all proceeds paid directly to the gemological education provider.

Selection of the scholarship recipient is based on a vote of the AGA Board of Governors from the slate of applications submitted by the AGA Educational Scholarship and Research Grant Committee (ESRGC) whose decisions will be final.

AGA Gemological Scholarships cover tuition and lab fees only. See the application form below for additional details and exclusions.

  1. Complete & Submit Application

    Complete the application form, including contact information for professional references. Submit your application.

  2. Application Review

    Your application and your professional references will be reviewed by the ESRGC. You will receive an email communication from AGA regarding the award or a request for additional documentation or a virtual interview.

  3. Scholarship Selection

    AGA Gemological Scholarship recipients receive a letter of congratulations with instructions for the next steps. If no one meets the selection criteria, there will be no award given.

AGA Gemological Scholarship Application

Please contact us or call us at 626-949-8486 with any questions. Additionally, if you prefer to mail your application, you can download a pdf version here, and you can find the required reference form here.

Frequently asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the AGA Gemological Scholarship. If you have further questions, please contact us.

A list of approved providers is included on the membership application form. If the program you are enrolled in is not included on the list, please encourage your education provider to contact us regarding steps for review and approval.

You do not have to be an AGA member to apply for an AGA Gemological Scholarship. The Scholarship is open to anyone except ESRGC (Educational Scholarship and Research Grant Committee) or AGA board members and their family members. Applicants must be interested in actively working in the field of gemology. No experience is necessary, but a willingness to further their education in this field is a must.

At a minimum, the candidate should have a high school diploma or equivalent and be accepted by an AGA recognized gemological training program.

AGA recognized gemological training institutes may require individuals to demonstrate English proficiency if the course is only in English. If the program is offered in a language other than English, the participating institute will approve the applicant’s level of education or language skills.

Courses, classes, or workshops must be successfully completed by the end of the year following the date the scholarship is awarded.

AGA Gemological Scholarships are funded by membership dues, sponsorships, and generous donations.

AGA Scholarships cover tuition and lab fees with the money paid directly to the teaching institution when the selected candidate confirms the educational opportunity in which they will participate.

AGA Gemological Scholarships do not cover travel, hotel, wire transfer fees, or other expenses associated with the gemological course or workshop for which the Scholarship was awarded.

Applications for AGA Gemological Scholarships are accepted from January 01 through 11:59 pm (Pacific time) on April 15.

The applicant should demonstrate a desire and willingness to work in the gem/jewelry business through their application and interview. The applicant should demonstrate reliability and a professional attitude during the application process and in the final interview.

AGA Gemological Scholarships apply to gemological programs and workshops worldwide.