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AGA Presentation Proposal Process

AGA events offer speakers the opportunity to share their discoveries, knowledge, and experience with the gemological community. Presentations can be in person or virtual but must be educational and not promotional. Share your ideas for a presentation.

  1. Complete & Submit the Proposal Form

    Tell us about you and your educational presentation. How will your talk benefit gemologists? Does your presentation include any hands-on or interactive elements?

  2. Committee Review

    The EOC committee reviews all proposals submitted and may reach out with questions. Each year a few of the talk proposals are selected for presentation to the AGA audience. If yours is one of the lucky ones, you will be notified by email.

  3. Wait for the Applause

    Present your talk to AGA. Be prepared for questions from the engaged audience. Enjoy sharing ideas, information, and experience with gemological professionals around the world.

Presentation Proposal

Please contact us or call us at 626-949-8486 with any questions. Additionally, if you prefer to mail your application, you can download a pdf version of our Presentation Proposal.