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As a global gemological organization, AGA members must first and foremost abide by the
standards set forth in the Code of Ethics and, by so doing, maintain a position of trust based on their integrity and adherence to the highest ethical standards. AGA members must always be aware of and follow all laws and regulations that govern them.

  1. Members must not engage in unethical or improper conduct or act in a manner that will impugn the reputation of Accredited Gemologists Association.
  2. With the exception of the president and vice president, no individual or group of individuals may speak on behalf of the AGA without the express written consent of the AGA Board.
  3. Professional gemological assessments require careful inspection, analysis and evaluation. Considered assessments must be based on scientific gemological facts. It is unprofessional and unethical to render offhand or predetermined gemological opinions.
  4. Members must make a reasonable effort to be well versed in gemological science and technology, and to keep current with new professional, gemological, and market developments.
  5. Gem identification reports must be based on gemological testing sufficient to establish credible results. Any limiting conditions which might affect results must be disclosed. When applicable, availability of advanced gemological testing must be addressed with the client.
  6. Disclosure of known gemstone and diamond enhancements should be accomplished through language that is easily understood by all parties.
  7. Independent professional gemological opinions must be free of self-interest and bias. Members, who have present or future contemplated financial interest in the articles examined, or the conclusions reached, must disclose the nature and extent of that interest. Full disclosure of pertinent facts is mandatory. It is recommended that any disclosure be made in writing.
  8. Any Business relationship and/or affiliation with parties to a transaction must be disclosed.
  9. Professional consultations and client records, including records stored on software, are confidential in nature. Intentional disclosure of confidential material may be made only with the approval of parties concerned, or as legally required.
  10. It is the member’s responsibility to secure both the property entrusted to them by another party as well as any confidential information regarding the property and/or the parties.
  11. It is unethical to suppress any facts, data or opinions in order to intentionally produce biased or prejudiced results.
  12. Voting members of AGA are Accredited Senior Gemologists. Graphic display in any form, of AGA logos, the AGA Certified Gemological Laboratory certification and/or the Accredited Senior Gemologist designation is prohibited by any entity other than the voting member in good standing.
  13. It is unethical to misrepresent professional qualifications or affiliations, or to present them in a form which clearly implies a reasonable but erroneous interpretation. Statements that include professional affiliations or memberships must include valid timeframes.
  14. Any deceptive advertising, use of misleading or inaccurate claims, or unfounded warranties or other promises which are detrimental to public confidence in gemology are unethical practices.
  15. It is unethical to make knowingly false and defamatory statements or to discriminate against any fellow gem and/or jewelry professional on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
  16. All work products created for AGA purposes, or using AGA funds, shall carry copyrights shared by the individual creator and AGA. Copyright protections will be respected.
  17. Any member who is aware of the unethical professional conduct of another member has an obligation to report the matter to the AGA President in writing in a timely manner. It is a breach of obligation for members to refrain from advising AGA when aware of noncompliance with our published Code of Ethics. All members must abide by the grievance procedures outlined in the AGA Constitution and Bylaws.